Making the Transition from Coffee to Tea

Making the Transition from Coffee to Tea

Here at Sir Jason Winters International, we are more than a little passionate about tea. Many people enjoy a cup of Joe first thing in the morning and have come to depend on it to give them the quick start needed for each day. Recent studies have shown that coffee has some similar health benefits to those derived from drinking tea, like the ability to reduce the risk of diabetes and promote weight loss.

Making the Transition from Coffee to TeaHowever, there are even more benefits with drinking tea that coffee just can’t compete with. While coffee can be prepared a couple of different ways, there are even more varieties and blends to be discovered through drinking tea! You may even notice some additional benefits:

  • Staying awake longer – The levels of caffeine present in tea are slightly lower than that in coffee. Though this might not seem ideal at first, the caffeine in tea actually lasts longer in the body, allowing you to stay awake for extended periods of time without that jittery feeling.
  • Tea can improve your smile – It is well known that coffee can leave teeth stained over time. Instead, try drinking green tea as it can strengthen your teeth without the stain.
  • Tea has many health benefits including lowering blood pressure and cholesterol levels and even promoting weight loss.
  • Tea has anti-aging properties. You will get a better night’s sleep and will likely see your skin start to become clearer. This is because tea contains antioxidants in the form of polyphenols that fight off free radicals in the body. These free radicals cause damage to the cells in your body and can age you. Many scientific studies have shown that regular consumption of green tea discourages the breakdown of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine which is important for memory function and to stave off symptoms accompanying Alzheimer’s disease.
  • Tea preparation takes less time. You don’t need an automatic drip coffee maker, a pod machine or anything else to prepare tea. All you need are tea leaves and some hot water, giving you that extra time to relax.

Climate Change and Coffee

tea leaves coffee beansIn 2017, the National Geographic Society reported that coffee is extremely vulnerable to climate change. There are some countries dependent on the continued stability of the coffee market for their survival while other countries have recovered their losses by branching out with different crops. Climate scientists have found that many tropical regions where coffee is traditionally grown like Africa or Central and South America are now suffering from severe stresses that are directly attributed to climate change. Deforestation, disease, pests, and rising global temperatures are affecting how 70 out of the 124 wild coffee species may actually be facing extinction around the world. These wild species make up 60% of the coffee that is consumed today.


If you have ever thought about making the switch from coffee to tea, here is some advice to help you make the change.

  1. Start off slowly – When transitioning, don’t do it all at once. Start slowly by incrementally lowering the amount of coffee you drink each day. Many people who give up coffee cold turkey can experience headaches due to the lack of caffeine levels their body has grown accustomed to.
  2. Coffee and Tea are Different – Understand that the amount of caffeine received from a cup of coffee and a cup of tea is different. Brewed coffee can contain almost twice as much caffeine than tea. If it’s the taste you can’t get over, be aware that there aren’t many teas that match the taste of your usual cup of java. There are some considered “coffee flavored”, but those don’t always measure up.One trick to keep in mind if you prefer drinking your coffee black is starting off with a black tea like Earl Grey. This black, full-bodied tea is often blended and cured with bergamot that showcases a wonderfully fresh taste and aroma. Other tasty black teas include Oolong, Kamba, Assam, and the English and Irish breakfast teas.Those of you who like to add milk, cream or sweeteners to their coffee might consider brewing a cup of masala chai, a delicious alternative. There are also teas that have added ingredients like vanilla and other spices that ensure you’ll never look back.
  3. Gradually increase the amount of tea you drink – As you are decreasing the amount of coffee you drink each day, replace it with tea instead. After drinking coffee for several years or your whole adult life, this might take a little longer than expected. Sticking with black teas or spiced teas over a longer stretch of time can get you used to the difference in flavor instead of jumping straight into green, white or other lighter teas that have softer flavors and might leave you feeling unsatisfied. Japanese Matcha tea has both the amplified health benefits of green tea and a taste that many have come to love better than coffee.
  4. Try a variety of different teas – A great way to experience the joys and variety of tea is by visiting a tea shop. A tea shop will let you check out the various blends of tea before they are brewed as well as smell, and even taste test them. Some natural food stores and cooperatives also carry varieties of teas in bulk which can help your exploration into these new exotic flavors. 

If you don’t want to commit to a big bulk order right away, consider purchasing a tea sampler; this can save you money and broaden your horizons without multiple trips to the store. Sir Jason Winters carries its own tea samplers in the form of our Four Tea Variety Packs and our Special Edition Tea Chest.

Making the switch from coffee to tea may seem daunting at first. Once you have succeeded in making the switch, you may find that your palate is more sophisticated and can pick up tastes and aromas that you never noticed before. Being able to discern the various types of teas, as well as the herbs and spices within the almost endless variety of possible blends will only add to the enjoyment.


“The Tea Box” by Giles Brochard, 2001, Barron’s Educational Series, Happauge, NY
“The Everything Healthy Tea Book” by Babette Donaldson, 2014, Everything Publishing, Avon, MA.
“Love Coffee? It’s Another Reason to Care About Climate Change” by Nicholas Kusnetz, Inside Climate News, January 2019. web.
“A Drying Climate Threatens Africa’s Coffee, But Hope Remains” by Tim McDonnell, National Geographic Magazine, August 2017, web.



Sir Raymond Winters: Continuing the Legacy of Healing and Hope

Sir Raymond co-founded the company and worked alongside his father for over 27 years, mastering the art of sourcing and formulating the highest-quality herbal products. Today, he ensures that Jason Winters Tea is produced with the same integrity and effectiveness. Knighted for his own contributions, Sir Raymond continues to uphold his father’s mission, helping others achieve wellness and vitality through Jason Winters Tea.

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