Green Tea

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Jason Winters Green Tea Bags (GHT) Antioxidant Tea

Green Tea is a wonderful gift from mother earth that has been used in Asia for over 4,000 years. Once reserved for emperors, Asian Green tea has now been discovered by the modern world and is available for all of those who have the wisdom to seek it.

Jason Winters Green Tea Contains: Green Tea Leaf, Red Clover Tops, Indian Sage Leaf and Herbalene® Blend (special spice).

Available in 4 oz.loose leaf or 30 count tea bags:
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The Many Potential Benefits Of Green Tea

green-teaThe modern world has discovered the many benefits of Green Tea. For centuries, this lightly processed “gift from mother earth” has been the esteemed drink of emperors. Sir Jason Winters calls this superior blend of green tea “Chao Phrya Tea,” named after the mighty river upon which the tea barges always sailed. Chao Phrya means “the river of the kings,” and villagers in the river valley say their special Green Tea is “as emerald as the mountains rising in early morning mist.”
The ancients were right! Modern science has now revealed that Green Tea contains powerful antioxidant and antimicrobial activity and other health promoting properties. Discover the wisdom of the ancients and drink Green Tea for good health.

Sir Jason Winters’ Green Tea is considered the finest that can be found!

May Act As A Bio-Regulatory Food

Discussions of food normally focus on nutrition and flavor. However, recently more attention is being paid to the role of food in bio-regulating functions. Foods that possess this regulatory function are called ” bio- regulatory functional food “. According to Dr. Inaba, who classifies food by his ” bio-regulatory functional food table “, green tea possesses the following functions : it has a bio-defensive function by preventing cancer through strengthing the immune system, it has a disease-preventing function, by preventing high blood pressure or diabetes, a disease-recovery function by inhibiting the rise of cholesterol, a physical rhythm-controlling function by stimulating the central nervous system with caffeine, and an aging-suppressing function by providing the body with antioxidants. Therefore, green tea is rich as a bio-regulatory food and has become a popular beverage among the new health conscious generation. It has been in use since its introduction to Japan centuries ago, now modern research has finally started to remove the veil concerning its many positive qualities. Green tea is truly a” miraculous medicine ” with an extraordinary power to prolong life. Dr. H. Inaba, Food Chemicals. ( No 11) 32 (1988).

May Suppress Aging

Oxygen has two aspects, one beneficial and one harmful. It plays a key role in metabolism, but can also be an unhealthful agent. As a free radical, oxygen in the body can oxidize cell membranes, which will damage DNA and the lipids (fats). This can lead to diseases like cancer, cardio-vascular disease and diabetes. Lipid peroxide created by lipids ( fats) combined with oxygen tends to accumulate in the body and create aging pigmentation. One way to slow aging is to prevent the production of active oxygen and lipid peroxide in the body. Consumption of antioxidants such as vitamins E and C promises longer life. We already know that green tea is rich in vitamins E and C. In addition, Prof. Okuda has demonstrated that catechin in green tea is a far stronger antioxidant than vitamin E (about 20 times stronger) Prof. T. Okada et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull (1983)

In The News: Tea: The Elixir of a Long Life.

May Control High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure is a serious burden on the vascular system. Atherosclerosis will precipitate heart disease, stroke and other cardiovascular diseases. A chemical called angiotensin II plays a harmful role in high blood pressure and is connected to hypertension and to arterial stenosis of the kidneys. Another enzyme called Angiotensin Converting Enzyme (ACE) changes angiotensin II which is an extremely strong vascular constrictor and leads to high blood pressure.

Dr. Hara has shown that green tea catechin impedes the action of “ACE” and suppresses production of angiotensin II. He has also demonstrated that the administration of catechin to mice with Spontaneously Hypertensive Rate (SHR) can reduce high blood pressure. Results of his experiments indicate that daily consumption of greentea catechin has the ability to prevent a rise in blood pressure. Y. Hara, T. Matsuzaki and T. Suzuki, Nippon Nogeikagaku Kaishi

May Lower Blood Sugar

About 60 years ago, Dr. Minowada of Kyoto University noticed that sugar in the urine of hospitalized diabetes patients fell markedly during periods when they participated in the Tea Ceremony. He reported that green tea had the capability of lowering blood sugar. Unfortunately this important report was ignored, but in recent years Japan once again has shown a heightened interest in diabetes and in the ability of green tea to reduce blood sugar. The sugars and carbohydrates in our food are digested mainly in the duodenum, where they are converted to glucose and then absorbed into the blood.

The agent that regulates the intake of blood sugar into tissues is insulin. Diabetes is characterized by insufficient secretion or improper functioning of insulin, which hinders the proper absorption of glucose into tissues and leads to a high concentration of blood sugar that must eventually be excreted into urine. If this high concentration of blood sugar continues for a long period, it will affect the vascular system and cause serious diseases including arteriosclerosis and retinal hemorrhages. Dr. Y. Hara and Dr. M. Shimizu have demonstrated that green tea catechin has an ability to lower blood sugar, and polysaccharides in green tea possess the same ability. H. Asai, Y. Ogawa, Y. Hara and K. Nakamura, Kiso to Rinsshyo, (1987). M. Shimizu et al, Yakugaku Zatshi, (1988)

May Help Prevent Cancer

The death rate from cancer is significantly lower for both women & men in Japan. In the Shizuoka region which accounts for 87% of Japanese green tea production, where green tea is the main beverage, people consume as much as 5-6 cups daily. This suggests that the main ingredients of green tea tannin, catechin, in sufficient amounts lowers the Standardized Mortality Rate for stomach cancer. The National Cancer Institute in Tokyo has demonstrated that catechin lowers the incidence of cancer. The research of Prof. Shu-Jun Cheng (Cancer Institute in Beijing), demonstrates that administration of green tea extract reduced the incidence of cancer to less than 50%. We do not yet fully understand the mechanism underlying the generation of cancer. But in the “two-stage theory of cancer development”, activates cancer, it is argued that an “initiator” first damages DNA in the cell rendering it subject to cancer, until a “promoter” activates cancer, leading to the actual growth of malignancy. Frequent drinking of strong green tea may reduce both “initiator” and “promoter”.

In The News: Green Tea May Lower Lung Cancer Risk.
In The News: Green tea may prevent blood cancer
In The News: Green Tea: A New Weapon Against Prostate Cancer?
In The News: Tea May Reduce Risk of Breast Cancer.

May Restrict Blood Cholesterol

High cholesterol is associated with a wide range of diseases in adults. But there are two types of cholesterol, one is “bad” cholesterol (LDL & VLDL), and heavy accumulation of these in tissues can lead to atherosclerosis which can cause myocardial infarction and cerebral infarction, the other is good cholesterol (HDL) that prevents accumulation of excessive “bad” cholesterol. Prof. Muramatsu has demonstrated that green tea catechin restricts the excessive buildup of cholesterol. Dr. Goto reported a similar result: green tea catechin acts to limit excessive blood cholesterol.

K.Muramatsu and Y. Hara. J.Nutation. Sci. Vitaminol (1986). K.Gote, S. Kanaya and Y. Hara Prof. of the International Sym. On Tea Science. (Shizuoka, Japan; August, 1991)

May Deter Food Poisoning

It has long been known that green tea deters food poisoning and has the ability to kill bacteria. Consumption of strong green tea is often recommended as a treatment for diarrhea. Dr. Y. Hara has shown in his research that green tea catechin is a powerful sterilizing agent for many types of bacteria that cause food poisoning. He found that a Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC ppm) of catechin, able to inhibit the growth of Staphylococcus aureus, Vibrio parahaemolyticus, clostridium peifringens, Bacillus cereus, Plesiomonas shigelloides, Aeromonas sobria and Clostridium botulimum, is present in green tea. In addition to this evidence, Prof. Shimamura has reported that green tea is a strong sterilizer for cholera Vibrio and has a strong anti toxic effect on toxins produced by bacteria other than cholera. These results, indicating the antibacterial function of green tea catechin, suggest its effectiveness in preventing food poisoning. Y. Hara and T. Ishibami, Nippon Shokuhin Kogyo Gakkaishi, (1989). Shimamura et al., Japan f Bacteriol. (1989).
The tea plant, Camellia Sinensis, is a small swordlike, evergreen tree that is a native to Southeast Asia.

May Stop Cavities

Dentistry has improved greatly in the past few years. By the end of the 19th century, it was determined that cavities are caused by cariogenic bacteria. Briefly, the mechanism of cavity production is as follows: cariogenic bacteria create glucan and glucan create plaque. Next, they feed on sugar to generate acids such as lactic acid in the plaque. Experiments of Dr. Hattori show that green tea catechin can suppress the process of glucosyl transferase by cariogenic bacteria to produce glucan. Other experiments by Dr. Sakanaka have verified that green tea catechin can destroy cariogenic bacteria. It has been known for some time that small amounts of fluorine can strengthen teeth and help prevent cavities. For this reason, many cities add fluorine to their drinking water. Green tea contains natural fluorine and is thought to aid in the reduction of cavities in school children. Dr. M Hattori et al., Chem. Bull., (1990). Dr. S. Sakanaka et al., Agrec. Biol. Chem., (1989).

Additional Information

Tea expert Douglas Balentine, PhD, manager of beverage research for Lipton Co., emphasizes that so far research suggests benefits from Green Tea.

  • In many studies, Green Tea drinkers appear to enjoy better health. In a study in China, for example, tea drinkers had about 60% less cancer of the esophagus. Among 35,000-plus women in Iowa, those who drank at least 2 cups of tea a day had 60% less kidney and bladder cancer and 32% less cancer of the esophagus and colon.
  • In numerous animal and test-tube studies, compounds in Green Tea called catechins have been effective against a broad spectrum of cancers — including skin cancer. Dr. Mitscher found that one catechin, EGCG, was 100 times more potent than vitamin C and 25 times more potent than vitamin E.
  • Green Tea drinkers in the Netherlands had half the risk of fatal heart attacks. Experts credit compounds in tea called flavonoids that stop blood platelets from forming clots, much as aspirin does.

A Veggie You Can Drink?

Since tea comes from a plant, think of a glass of tea as a kind of vegetable broth — a very powerful vegetable broth. According to studies at Tufts University in Boston, one cup of green or black tea has more antioxidant power against the most common type of free radical in your body (the peroxyl radical) than 1/2 cup serving of broccoli, carrots, spinach, or strawberries.

May Enhance Health

The Japanese custom of drinking green tea came from China about 800 AD. Monks who went to China to study Buddhism, returned to Japan bringing tea with them as a medicinal beverage. In the Kamakura era (1191-1333) the monk Eisai stressed the beneficial effects of tea in his book Maintaining health by drinking tea (1211).Tea has a miraculous power to prolong life. In recent research into green tea, results show its potential power in preventing disease.

In The News: 20 Powerful Reasons To Drink Green Tea.
In The News: Green tea may cut stroke risk.
In The News: Green Tea May Protect the Heart.

Refresh The Body

Green tea caffeine taken in proper quantity stimulates every organ in the body. A cup of green tea will help clear a dull mind in the morning. It is also thought that small amount of caffeine present in a normal serving of green tea (9 mg of caffeine) can stimulate the skeletal muscles and facilitate muscular contraction. It is quite refreshing to have a cup of green tea in the middle of work, and we find it noteworthy that there is new scientific support for such old customs as the afternoon tea ritual. The caffeine in green tea is mostly extracted in the process of drying leaves. Green tea caffein combines with catechin in the brewing water, and is rather milder than other caffeine-containing beverages. Even so, for those people who are sensitive to caffeine, it is safer for to drink weak green tea.

May Prevent And Treat Skin Disease

As a treatment for athlete’s foot, soaking in green tea has been successful. In hospital experiments using a green tea bath shows promising results in treating bed sores and skin disease.

May Flight Viruses

Dr. Okada has noted that tobacco growers use an exudate of green tea to prevent crop damage by the tobacco mosaic virus, and verified that green tea catechin suppresses the growth of this virus. In addition, Prof. Shimamura has determined that green tea catechin and theaflavin (an oxidized from of catechin) present in black tea, have a strong effect on the influenza virus. It is also thought that the anti viral capability of green tea catechin may have some beneficial effect on the AIDS virus, which is now the world’s most feared infectious disease. Dr. Nakane and Dr. Ono at Aichi Cancer Institute have suggested the green tea catechin can inhibit the activity of the AIDS virus in laboratory tests, although this research is just in its nascent stage. Dr. Okada, Chagyo Kenkyu Hokoku, (1978). Prof. T. Shimamura et al., Lett. APPI. Microbial., (1990). Dr. H. Nakane and Dr. K. Ono, Biochemistry, (1990).