November Column
Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.
Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.
Happy November!
I want to talk about my father, Jason Winters.
In the face of immense adversity, one individual has exemplified the true spirit of resilience and courage—Sir Jason Winters. Much like the indomitable spirit of England during the darkest days of war, Sir Jason faced his own formidable foe in the form of terminal cancer.
With unyielding determination and steadfast resolve, Sir Jason confronted his diagnosis head-on, refusing to succumb to despair or defeat. In the depths of uncertainty and fear, he found a wellspring of strength within himself, drawing upon an unwavering faith and an ironclad will to survive.
Through sheer grit and a refusal to accept the dire predictions of his doctors, Sir Jason embarked on a journey of self-discovery and healing that would defy all expectations. Like a valiant warrior on the battlefield, he battled his illness with unwavering courage and tenacity, refusing to let it dictate the course of his life.
In the darkest hours of his struggle, Sir Jason found solace in the words of Winston Churchill, who famously proclaimed, “Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.”
These words became a guiding light for my father, a beacon of hope that illuminated his path forward in the midst of adversity.
Against all odds, Sir Jason emerged victorious in his battle against cancer, a shining example of the power of the human spirit to overcome the greatest of challenges. His story serves as a reminder to us all that, in the face of adversity, it is not the strength of our circumstances that defines us, but the strength of our resolve to persevere.
May we all take inspiration from his remarkable journey and find within ourselves the courage to face our own trials with grace and fortitude. Like him, may we never surrender to despair, but instead rise above our adversities with the spirit of a true champion.
For myself, and in my life, his journey has been a wonderful guiding force and proof to live a worthwhile life.
Sir F. Raymond Jason Winters. KCSJ. SOJ
Founder: Jason Winters International, Inc.