healthy living

Exploring Herbs: What’s In Our Supplements?

Jason Winters International offers a variety of herbal supplements, each of which was created specifically by Sir Jason Winters himself, and developed to help people reduce their deficiencies of important vitamins.

We wanted to feature some of the herbs in our Golden Lion, Formula 93 and The Ultimate Combination supplements to give a better idea of what the herbs do and how they help orchestrate a larger positive impact on the body.

Below are some of the herbs featured in our blends. You just might find that one of these is exactly what you’re looking for!

A Closer Look At Burdock

Burdock is a root that has often been used for medicinal reasons. We feature this herb in our capsules that we call “The Ultimate Combination“, or TUC. TUC provides you with some of the strongest, and healthiest, herbs out there – all in one capsule.

There are dozens of potential benefits to including burdock in your diet. Common uses for burdock include fighting bacteria. Some people use it to treat acne or inflammation, but these effects will vary from person to person.

One thing that’s for sure is that burdock is an excellent source of potassium, vitamin C and vitamin E. Also, burdock is stuffed with inulin, a helpful polysaccharide that helps “clean” blood. Inulin is used to reduce blood sugar and cholesterol levels.

The Mysterious Gotu Kola

There are plenty of different names for this herb, but Gotu Kola tends to be the most common. It’s been used for centuries to treat infections, and it’s been used recently to fight diseases and illnesses such as the flu, the cold, tuberculosis and more.

It’s just one part of Jason Winters “The Ultimate Combination.” We hope you enjoy the benefits of this herb as much as we do!

Elecampane: The Herb That Launched A Thousand Ships

Believed to aid with respiratory problems, the elecampane root is a natural solution to getting rid of microbes and fungus, some of the things that could be causing you to cough. It also has a soothing effect, bound to make you feel even better throughout the day.

If you have a bad cough, elecampane root might be the herb to use. You can find it in our TUC supplement, along with many other healing herbs. Fun fact: elecampane’s classification is inula helenium, named after Helen of Troy who was said to carry the plant with her!

Adding More Ginseng To Your Diet

Ginseng is hard to find in a lot of foods, however, it’s an excellent herb that we wanted to make sure tea drinkers and supplement takers had access to, and it’s a main component in our Golden Lion supplement.

Ginseng can do plenty for your body, including potential y reducing cholesterol and blood pressure. However, there are other reasons that ginseng is so popular. Sir Jason Winters included it in his Golden Lion supplement because ginseng can be a natural source of energy. Historically, people have used ginseng to sharpen their mind and reduce fatigue. This is an incredible herb when it comes to energy, perfect for any guy who wants to get more out of their day.

Adding The Superfood Fenugreek

One of the greatest things about fenugreek is that it’s a bit of a superfood on its own. You can get tons of protein, fiber, iron, vitamin B6, magnesium and copper from just a little bit of the seed – a big reason it was added to our Golden Lion supplement.

Fenugreek is most popular among men since it can help with problems specific to men, much like most of the herbs found in the Golden Lion supplement. It also can help regulate insulin levels for those with diabetes or lower blood sugar.

Sage: A Classic Herb

A main component in the Jason Winters tea blends is sage, something which we’ve added to our Formula 93 supplement as well. You probably know sage for its distinct flavor and delicious tones when you’re preparing a tea or a meal. But there are plenty of other reasons to get excited about sage.

While many of the herbs, vitamins and minerals in the Formula 93 are meant to cleanse your body, sage can help cleanse your mind as well. Historically, sage has been used to stimulate the brain and clarify thinking. Of course, sage also can release the free radicals in your body that you want to get rid of. It’s a do-everything type of herb that you definitely want to have!

Red Clover: A Popular Herb Choice

While there are many suspected health benefits of red clover, people like it because it’s just an awesome herb – both for your health and for flavor. We decided to include red clover in our Formula 93 supplement because it has so many small benefits.

There’s some evidence that red clover can be used to treat a number ailments. It’s exciting to think about what red clover might be able to do.

Red clover is stuffed full of vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin C, potassium, magnesium, calcium and more. These vitamins and minerals are proven to help keep your body strong and healthy, and they can help immensely with the detoxifying process.

Our Biggest Sale Ever!

All three of these supplements are a propriety blend and are ONLY manufactured by Sir Jason Winters! We invite you to try these supplements today and take advantage of our biggest sale ever! Shop now.


Sir Raymond Winter's PR Tour of Japan1

Video: Sir Raymond Winter’s PR Tour of Japan

Sir Raymond Winter’s 2016 PR Tour of Japan was a huge success, where he was the keynote speaker at the annual Jason Winters Tea Party held by our sole Japan agent, EOS Corp.

We invite you to view his speech below, presented in it’s entirety in 4 parts. 

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

tea vs coffee

To Tea or Not to Tea?

If you’re like 80% of Americans, you’re not drinking tea every day. And that’s too bad, because you are missing out! Here are some pretty amazing reasons to drink tea.

It’s Easier Than Coffee…
This goes out to all you java hounds. To brew that bitter drink you enjoy every morning, you need a whole machine. And some people even find the need to grind their own beans. Stop right there. For tea, all you need is some boiling water, tea leaves and a cup to drink it in. Perfection in simplicity.

Fix Your Bad Breath

Ever had a coworker give you a grimace? It might be your (bad) breath at fault. But did you know that drinking black tea can help combat halitosis? Researchers at the University of Illinois have found that drinking black tea can slow down the formation of plaque causing bacteria and help prevent periodontal disease! And since tea is also a natural source of fluoride, it can reduce the incidence of cavities. Now there’s something coffee can’t do…

Calm Down!

We’ve all been there. A stressful day made even worse by the inability to fall asleep. Now, while some may resort to prescription drugs to get some much needed rest, you really don’t have to.
We find that there’s just something instantly soothing about steeping a cup of aromatic herbal tea. You can give your body and mind the support it needs with the right herbal teas. With a sip at a time, you can release tension and stop the negative thought cycles that impede you from a good night’s sleep.

Abundance of Antioxidants

There has been copious research done on the antioxidants inherent in tea. To put it simply, drinking tea can increase your protection against many different types of cancers. And it can also reduce the risk of Parkinson’s disease.

Allergies Be Gone!

If you’re like many people throughout the world, you probably suffer from seasonal allergies. Well, then you might want to start your day with tea.

Heart Healthy and Skin Healthy

A recent study found that people who drank tea daily were 35% less susceptible to having a heart attack. And they were less prone to calcium buildups in the coronary arteries. The antioxidants in tea have been shown to combat free radicals, the agents responsible for damaging our skin. It can also help hydrate the skin and offers protection against ultraviolet rays.

That Is the Question!
The answer is obvious: drink tea! The health benefits are innumerable and it has a complexity of flavor that nothing else can match.


gren tea weight loss

Green Tea Can Lead To Weight Loss – Here’s How

If you’re looking for an easy way to help lose some weight, then you might want to pay more attention to what you’re drinking.

Green tea is proven to help with weight loss, just adding to the many benefits of the delicious drink. When consumed correctly, green tea boosts metabolism and breaks down fatty cells to help cut pounds.

Green Tea’s Many Health Benefits

Tea drinkers already know that tea is one of the healthiest drinks around, but green tea is often viewed as the healthiest of all the varieties.

One of the main components of green tea that helps cut weight is caffeine. When caffeine is consumed, it stimulates the body. While most people recognize the boost in energy, this also means an increased metabolism and a quicker rate of burning fat.

Also found in green tea leaves are catechins, specifically epigallocatechin gallate, or EGCG. EGCG is the leading chemical when it comes to weight loss in green tea as it helps increase metabolic health. It doesn’t hurt that it’s also great for your heart!

It Depends On What You’re Drinking

Even though green tea is best for weight loss, the type of green tea your drinking could be holding you back.

Studies show that ground green tea leaves produce healthier tea than normal leaves. This is because you end up ingesting more parts of the leaf if it’s ground up, leading to more exposure to the healthy chemicals found in green tea.

Specific blends can also help increase weight loss over normal green teas. By adding other substances to your drink, you can get the same weight loss benefits while adding nutrients that can burn fat.

Make Sure You’re Brewing Green Tea The Right Way

Because green tea is a so versatile, there are plenty of ways to prepare it. However, if you’re looking to shed some weight, you might want to consider changing how you’re brewing your tea.

While every tea should be brewed differently, there are a few steps you should follow to make sure you are optimizing it for weight loss.

First off, make sure that you let your water cool for a bit after you bring it to a boil. Boiling hot water can damage the EGCG in tea, and that means that each cup you drink isn’t doing as much for your metabolism as it could. Let your tea soak into the water for at least a minute before drinking.

If you’re looking for maximum weight loss, you may also want to cut any additives you’re putting in tea. Sugar and honey go great with tea, but they could work against the catechins and weight loss benefits you’re looking for.

Just A Small Amount Works

Those working on losing weight know that big changes are often necessary for even the smallest results. However, this isn’t quite the case with green tea.

Drinking 2-3 cups of green tea a day can give you all the benefits you need to help with weight loss. The best part is that is on its own, green tea doesn’t work against your daily calorie count.

A healthy lifestyle can benefit from adding just a little bit of green tea every day. There’s nothing in a cup of tea that can hurt, but the benefits are immense!

Shop now!


Sir Raymond Winter’s PR Tour of Japan

Sir Raymond Winter’s recent PR Tour of Japan was a huge success, where he took part in the annual Jason Winters Tea Party held by our sole Japan agent, EOS Corp. 

The events took place in the cities of Fukuoka, Tokyo, Osaka and Nagoya. Sir Raymond was the keynote speaker, and was privileged to meet personally with many people whose lives have been positively affected by Sir Jason Winter’s Story and Tea. 

In Japan, not only do they drink Sir Jason Winters Tea, but 5 star chefs have also created food delicacies using the tea as an ingredient!

Sir Raymond is honored to carry on his father’s work in Japan and throughout the world and we invite you to view pictures from these memorable events. Videos will be available soon!

November 8 – 2016 Jason Winters Tea Party EOS_Fukuoka

November 9 – Tokyo

November 11 – Osaka

November 14- Nagoya