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Focus on Brain Health with Gotu Kola

“Two leaves of gotu kola a day will keep old age away.” – Ancient Indian proverb regarding gotu kola For thousands of years, the Ayurvedic physicians of India and the traditional doctors of China have used gotu kola (Centella asiatica) to address a number of health concerns. Also commonly known as Asiatic Pennywort, this herb […]

Keeping Your Joints Healthy Throughout Life

Our bones provide the underlying structure of our bodies and protect our internal organs while our joints affect our mobility throughout our lives. Protecting bones and joints is one of the most important, yet one of the most overlooked components of our overall good health. We build up strong bones, teeth, and joints throughout our […]

Maintaining Good Nutrition with Flaxseed Oil

Maintaining Good Nutrition with Flaxseed Oil For years, health experts have been touting the benefits of flaxseeds and flaxseed oil.  They harvested flax in ancient Egypt from the time of the pharaohs.  This ornamental plant, known by its botanical name of Linum usitatissimum, was used to make cloth, paper, and even furniture finishes in the […]

The Power of Psyllium

It may come as a surprise that one of the most common plants that we see growing almost everywhere is a particularly powerful herb in its own right.  Plantain, known by its botanical name of Plantago major, might be viewed as a weed because it grows in between cracks in the sidewalk or spreads its […]

The Amazing Health Benefits of Burdock

The Amazing Health Benefits of Burdock If you’ve ever gone hiking in the fall months and came back home covered in burrs, chances are you’ve met a burdock plant.  What some might consider a weed is actually one of the most powerful herbs in every modality around the world Arctium lappa, also known as the […]

Cayenne Pepper: Powerful Herbal Ally of the Americas

It may come as somewhat of a surprise that one of the most powerful culinary and medicinal herbs in the world was discovered relatively recently.  Cayenne Pepper (Capsicum Annuum), is from the family of plants known as the Solanaceae, or nightshade species. This species of plants cover bell pepper as well as tomato, eggplant, and […]

Keeping Yourself Healthy With the Power of Vitamin C

Keeping Yourself Healthy With the Power of Vitamin C Vitamin C, otherwise known as Ascorbic Acid, has long been regarded as an effective antioxidant and health building block to maintaining the proper function of the body’s immune system so we are less susceptible to colds and other illnesses. This important vitamin accomplishes this by acting […]